Get a Form Attesting to Being an Active Catholic
(For being a sponsor/Godparent/or for a School)?
We are happy to assist you with achieving these goals for you and your family. To do so we need data to establish you are an active Catholic. In a parish of over 10,000 people, it is difficult to know everyone personally, let alone evaluate everyone. Thus, it is the responsibility of the person making the request to fulfill these criteria:
- Be a registered parishioner for at least 6 months.
- Attend Sunday Mass weekly.
- Be actively tithing on a regular basis (tithing is a manifestation and act of one’s faith, it is not optional). Please use envelopes or checks for this purpose.
- Please also make note of requirements for Godparents here.
In addition, these criteria can help outweigh inconsistent fulfillment of criteria 1-3.
- Be active in ministry (lector, usher, Eucharistic minister, catechist, etc.)
- Get to know Fr. John and/or other staff personally by conversing with him/them on Sundays or at other events.
If you would like to apply for a parish verification letter, please contact the parish office at 623-566-8222.
Regarding Schools in General:
We will not simply sign a form letter for the school. We will provide all data that is known and unknown about the person/family in a separate letter and let the school determine if they fulfill their criteria for admission or for a discounted rate.
For Protestant Schools:
We will not sign a form testifying whether or not said family/child has “accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior” or likewise any other Protestant criteria. To attest to such criteria constitutes formal and material cooperation that such Protestant theology is consistent with Catholic theology or is valid theologically. For us to acknowledge such statements would lead people to think we agree with them categorically and support them through our consent. We do not.